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Will a Tummy Tuck Give Me Abs?

Posted October 01, 2024 in Tummy Tuck

When you work hard to achieve a flat and toned stomach but can’t reach your goal, a tummy tuck might be the solution you’ve been searching for. At Folsom Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Shahriar Mabourakh, offers tummy tuck procedures to patients in Folsom and Stockton, CA.

This surgery addresses stubborn belly concerns, like weakened muscles, sagging skin, or fat deposits that don’t respond to exercise or diet. Let’s look at what a tummy tuck can and cannot do to define your midsection.

What Issues Can a Tummy Tuck Correct?

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgically improves the appearance of your midsection by addressing several key concerns:

  • Weakened Abdominal Muscles: Pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations can cause diastasis recti, where your abdominal muscles separate. This can result in a bulging belly despite consistent exercise. A tummy tuck repairs and tightens these muscles, restoring a flatter and firmer appearance.
  • Excess Belly Skin: Loose, sagging abdominal skin is common after pregnancy, dramatic weight loss, or aging. This can be a cosmetic and physical concern, as excess skin may cause chafing or skin infections. Dr. Mabourakh removes this excess tissue with a tummy tuck, then repositions and tightens the remaining skin for a smoother contour.
  • Stubborn Fat Deposits: Some areas of fat may not vanish despite diligent attention to diet and exercise. A tummy tuck strategically targets and permanently removes those fat pockets using liposuction or surgical excision.

Whether you need extensive surgical contouring or a relatively minimal approach, Dr. Mabourakh tailors the surgery for your needs.

He’s well known for his artistic surgical approach and highly innovative, advanced techniques like ultrasonic or tumescent power-assisted liposuction (PAL), as well as “drainless” technique with no drains required after surgery.

Dr. Mabourakh discusses your tummy tuck goals during your consultation and then recommends the best approach for your situation.

Will a Tummy Tuck Give You Abs?

A tummy tuck will give you a shapely, streamlined, and beautifully contoured abdomen, but it’s important to know that no procedure can provide you with insta-abs.

With your ab muscles tightened and your extra skin and fat out of the way, it’s much easier to start working on the six-pack you want. Essentially, a tummy tuck can set the stage for gorgeous abs. As you build those muscles, seeing progress is much easier than it would have been without the surgery.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with targeted ab exercises can highlight and refine your results.

Tummy Tuck Consultations in Folsom and Stockton, CA

If you want a more defined midsection and are ready to learn how a tummy tuck can help, call our Folsom office at 916-984-8585 or Stockton office at 209-464-5656 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mabourakh.

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