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FOLSOM: 916-984-8585    STOCKTON: 209-464-5656

Body Surgery in Sacramento



When weight loss and exercise alone is not enough, liposuction can help eliminate stubborn fatty deposits. Liposuction is not an answer to excess weight but is a great for body contouring. There are many techniques including tumescent, ultrasonic assisted liposuction (UAL), or power assisted liposuction (PAL). Liposuction is an outpatient procedure with minimal incisions that are well hidden. Liposuction can treat almost any body area. We use very small cannulas for best result.

Procedure Length: 1-2 Hours or More
Duration of Results: Permanent

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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is an outpatient procedure designed to remove excess skin and fatty layers of the abdominal wall. The muscles in the area are also tightened to create a flat and bikini-ready look. There are two types of tummy tuck, mini abdominoplasty is designed to improve the appearance of the lower abdomen only. It is less expensive and has a quicker recovery. A full abdominoplasty is for improving the upper and lower abdomen by removing as much of the excess skin and stretch marks as possible. The incisions are placed low on the abdomen to be hidden by bathing suits. Tightening the muscle and liposuction of the area is done at the same time to create a tight, flat abdomen.

Procedure Length: 1 ½ to 3 hours
Duration of Results: Permanent

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Folsom Plastic Surgery

Hair Reduction

Laser hair removal is the painless and permanent solution to unwanted hair. With today’s laser technology any skin type can be safely treated with laser hair removal. Bikini line and arm pit hair is no longer a problem, and with as few as four treatments most people will not have to shave again. facial hair removal is easier than ever, and legs and arms are treated much faster now with the larger laser heads available at our locations.

Procedure Length: 15 min to 30 min
Duration of Results: Permanent

Learn More About Hair Reduction


Upper Arms / Thigh Lift

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, reduces the hanging skin of the arms usually caused by significant weight loss. Adding liposuction can also help reduce the overall size of the arm at the same time. Recovery is quick but with arm lift there is a scar on the inside of the arm that can extend to the elbow. Most people are willing to trade the severe excess skin for the scar. A thigh lift is a similar procedure performed for the thighs after weight loss. Liposuction is also done at the same time to enhance the result. This operation is designed for those with severe excess skin.

Procedure Length: 1-3 Hours
Duration of Results: Permanent

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One secret to creating beautiful results is achieved by discussing the wishes and expectations of patients, giving them the personal opportunity to discuss their treatment. “After all,” states Dr. Mabourakh, “beauty without inner strength and harmony is only a facade.”
Folsom Plastic Surgery

Combining Procedures

Combining procedures is an easy way of taking care of different issues at the same time. Only one recovery is required and the cost savings can be substantial. Time away from work is minimized and the results are enhanced when appropriate procedures are combined keeping in mind safety issues and recovery that is involved.

Procedure Length: 1 Hour or More
Duration of Results: Permanent



Labiaplasty is a minor surgical procedure that reduces and reshapes the pubic area. The labia minora is sometimes very large and noticeable in some women and can be the cause of emotional and physical pain. During labiaplasty, the labia minora or the labia majora is reduced in size through a minor procedure that leaves no visible scar, has minimal recovery, and is virtually painless. The procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia.

Procedure Length: 1 Hour
Duration of Results: Permanent

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