Upper Arm / Thigh Lift
What Is an Upper Arm Lift Procedure?
An armlift (or brachioplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure to reduce skin redundancy and circumference of the upper arm. Excessive weight loss can lead to redundancy of the skin in the upper arm making clothing difficult to wear and hygiene a problem This procedure does not change the texture of the skin, but by stretching it, the crepiness is made less noticeable.
The method of surgery is not complicated, the excess skin is marked and then removed A well-placed incision in the inner arm is made to remove the excessive skin and fatty tissue. Anybody who has excess skin and fat hanging on the back of upper arms are good candidates for this procedure.
After the operation, pain is controlled with oral medications. Sutures are removed at two weeks and massage is advised. Bruising and swelling will settle in two to three weeks time. Moderate activity can be resumed within two to three days and normal activity can be resumed four to six weeks post-operatively.
What Is a Thigh Lift Procedure?
A thigh lift is a procedure to remove loose skin from the thighs. Successful and sustained massive weight loss can lead to extensive redundancy of skin in the inner thigh area. Constant rubbing together of the redundant inner thigh folds predisposes to areas of skin irritation and infection and interferes with personal hygiene. Clothing may be difficult to fit and there may be psychosocial concerns of a disfigured appearance. Comfort and appearance improve by the plastic surgery procedure known as the thigh lift.
The method of surgery is not complicated, the excess skin is marked and then removed. Removal of excessive skin and fatty tissue of the inner thigh, a thigh lift, uses incisions that parallel the groin crease. The thigh lift is usually performed on the inner surface of the thighs but can include the outer thigh area and buttock if indicated.
After the operation, pain is controlled with oral medications. Sutures are removed at two weeks and massage is advised. Bruising and swelling will settle in two to three weeks time. Moderate activity can be resumed within two to three days and normal activity can be resumed four to six weeks post-operatively.